Putin Sows The Wind…


Putin's Folly

There is a disturbing story over on the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty site, “Russian Man Who Revealed Shocking Conditions In COVID-19 Hospital In Siberia Flees Country.” According to the article, a young Russian gentleman, Sergei Samborsky, was disturbed when his grandmother was admitted to the hospital for Covid…but, he, the grandson, wasn’t allowed to see her. Something about the way the hospital was refusing any entry to anyone, and was not giving detailed status reports on the patient, disturbed him.

He disguised himself as a medical professional and entered the hospital anyway. What he found was a nightmare. His grandmother had been simply left to die on a gurney in her own urine, feces, and vomit. There was no attempt to provide her with any medical care what-so-ever.

Samborsky filmed his grandmother in the short time before her death, and posted the video the web. He also protested to authorities and began legal action against the hospital.

Except…Putin’s Russia is busy covering up its Covid cases, not trying to save them. Samborsky has been fired from his job, threatened by unknown callers in the middle of the night, and finally forced to flee the country. Right now, he is  in The Republic of Georgia. 

Once again, innocent people are dying. Once again, those who would heal the sick are being oppressed. Unfortunately, in authoritarian regimes, that’s Standard Operating Procedure. 

The question for Russians is how long will it last. Putin’s government has sown distrust of vaccines around the world, and has discovered to its horror that Russians themselves distrust vaccines. And, worse, Russia cannot reveal just how many people have Covid, or have died from it, without revealing that Putin & Co. have been utterly inept in dealing with the pandemic.

Let us hope that sooner, rather than later, Russian leaders who actually care about their people, rather than solely about off-shore bank accounts, will come to the fore.



“Bruises, Bedsores, Vomit, And Feces: Disguised As A Medic, Desperate Russian Enters COVID Ward To Comfort Dying Grandmother,” By Sania Yusupova and Robert Coalson, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, November 03, 2021 18:36 GMT, https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-covid-medic-impersonator-shocking-conditions/31544550.html

“Russian Man Who Revealed Shocking Conditions In COVID-19 Hospital In Siberia Flees Country,” unsigned, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, November 29, 2021. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-covid-video-grandmother/31584780.html

Copyright©2021 Michael Jay Tucker


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