The Georgia Guidestones Never Hurt Anybody

Special Note: more details on the origins of the stones have come to the fore. See below for an update.

So we learn that the Georgia Guidestones have been destroyed by someone, as yet, unknown.

The reality, of course, is that whoever paid for them, was a bit kooky, but clearly he/she/they were no villains. The stones carried what were simply some platitudes of the sort we see all the time on greeting cards. They didn't hurt anyone and did no wrong.

Yet, somehow, the Right saw them as unspeakably evil, and used high explosives to destroy them.

How on earth is this possible? How is it that the Right has grown so mad, so utterly insane, that it would vent its fury on stone? And thus achieve nothing while endangering others?

But, one thing. It is a perfect metaphor for what the Right...and particularly the Christian Right...has become.

And the danger it poses to us all.

For the story, go here:

Source: Quentin Melson, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons.,_GA.jpg

Special note: Since I wrote this story, a friend of mind provided with more details on the stones' origin. They are not attractive. According to both The Skeptoid and John Oliver, the Guidestones' creator (if not the builder) was Dr. Herbert Hinzie Kersten (1920-2005) who was both a eugenicist and an ardent racist. 


Still, there is a curious satisfaction to be found in the idea that Kersten was a right-wing lunatic, and thus the people who blew up his stones were probably of a very similar mindset. Thus, they destroyed the life's work of a man who, had they known him, would probably have been one of their own.


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