
Showing posts from December, 2016

Wolfgang Streek

This is an interesting article. I am not sure that I agree 100% with Wolfgang Streek's thesis that we are headed into a dark age, or that Capitalism is doomed. But that said, there is much here to consider. I am particularly struck by the idea that Capitalism is in peril because before it always had enemies to come in and fix it whenever it went wrong. But, now, it has triumphed...all its enemies are dead...and so it has no governors to restrain its rush to destruction.

Join a Church (No. Really.)

Okay, so this is going to be a little crazy. But bear with me. Here’s another idea for how to, well, fight back. Or at least prepare for the next four to eight (God forbid!) years. It is going to be a little odd, but please don’t just stop reading when you see it. There is a method to my madness. Here’s the idea: Join a church. No, really. I mean it. I know that sounds bizarre, particularly coming from me. I, mean, I am Mr. Secular Humanism.  But, here’s the thing. I seem to be involved with a local United Church of Christ (UCC). It is small, very liberal, and very activist. (A bunch of us from the congregation are headed down to visit the local Islamic Center for Friday prayers this very afternoon.) And here’s why I’m suggesting that you get involved with a church or synagogue or whatever. We need networks in this alien age. We need to be able to touch base with like minded people, and to find resources. Churches are tailor-made for that. They’re national and even internati