Starting Again!

I began this blog back in 2016, shortly after the election of Donald Trump. My hope was to use it as a place in which I and other contributors would attempt to make sense of the disaster which had befallen the Democratic Party, the Liberal Left, and the nation as a whole.

However, shortly after that, I became involved with another, larger effort to promote liberal thinking in the country,, which ran for several years. I was proud to be its editor during that period, but it definitely kept me busy, and this blog had to go on the back burner.

                                                  Let's make the world a better place...

But Liberal Resistance eventually merged with a larger organization, USAUnify, and while that was a very good thing, I am no longer associated with the effort. That’s meant I have, at least, some time, again, for this blog.

I’m hoping to restart it as a place where I, and others, can post our thoughts on the current situation, promote liberal ideas, and generally try to light a few candles in the darkness. (And yes, if you’re interested in contributing, then please contact me at

So, stay tuned, and come back often. I’ll posting soon.

Oh, and one last note, this is not a profit-making operation. It is purely an informal publication and a place where individuals may post their thoughts. This means, as well, that contributors are solely responsible for their content, and their opinions may not be shared with me or anyone else involved with the effort.



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