It’s his island. We’re just living on it.

Your future?

Fascinating article over on Bloomberg, “Larry Ellison’s Lanai Isn’t for You—or the People Who Live There.” It seems that Billionaire Ellison bought the entire Hawaiian island of Lanai. Now, the people who have lived their for generations are getting pushed out.

And, of course, the justification is that “Well, he owns the place. He can do what he wants with it.” And with the people who live there.

It all seems a bit like a metaphor for life in the modern age. And you have to think that if the 1% isn’t brought to earth a little at some point, we’ll all be living in a vast Lanai…a world of oligarchs, where ordinary people have been replaced by robots and slaves, or, given new technology, maybe some combination of the two.




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