A Japan-Vietnam Alliance…again, thanks to China

Oops. They did it again...

So a while back I wrote about how China’s new found aggressiveness has driven the US, the UK, and Australia into a de facto  alliance. I noted that it looked a little like the old Anglosphere concept. 

Well, guess what, now Japan and Vietnam have gotten into the act. Asia Times is reporting that the two countries have very quietly established a new relationship where-by Vietnam will be able to buy Japanese military and other technology (including ships!). Moreover, the two countries have agreed to joint military exercises and new ties between the countries’ Armed Forces.

Ah, China…

Or, to put it another way…

President Xi, did you think the title of the book was How To Lose Friends and Alienate People?

Just asking.



Source: “Japan, Vietnam gently coming together against China, Landmark military deal allows Tokyo for first time to sell military wares and share sensitive defense technology with Hanoi,”  by Nate Fischler, Asia Times, September 21, 2021, https://asiatimes.com/2021/09/japan-vietnam-gently-coming-together-against-china/


Copyright©2021 Michael Jay Tucker

Please visit my webpage here: https://www.michaeljaytucker.com/


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