Onward! To The Anglosphere! (Thanks China!)


Anglosphere, 'Tis Of Thee

So something you may or may not have noticed in recent days is that President Biden (thank God for him) has announced a new defense pact to be composed of the USA, Australia, and the UK. (1) It’s to be called AUKUS (which has a nice sound to it) and its first fruits will be that the we’ll share some pretty sophisticated submarine technology with the land of Oz. 

We are definitely not in Kansas anymore.

The goal, obviously, is to discomfort Beijing. But, there’s way more to the story. We are moving, it seems, toward the Anglosphere, the social, military, and cultural alliance of English-speaking regions (including the USA) which has been proposed for decades, but which has never really taken off, for some reason. Now, the concept has gotten a bit of a kickstart in the light of current China’s unrelenting aggressiveness.(2)

So, a tip of the hat to the Chinese. If Xi & Co. hadn’t acted like swaggering school yard bullies with nuclear weapons, and so frightened all their neighbors sh*tless, we’d have never come so far, so fast toward an English-speaking international union.

Credit where credit is due…

~Michael Jay Tucker

Please visit my webpage here: https://www.michaeljaytucker.com/

Copyright©2021 Michael Jay Tucker


1. “Biden Announces Indo-Pacific Alliance With UK, Australia,” by Aamer Madhani and Jonathan Lemire , Huffpost, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ap-us-united-states-indo-pacific_n_61426bf8e4b0556e4dd410b5 

2. “The Anglosphere: The great power alliance right under Washington's nose,” By John C. Hulsman, opinion contributor, The Hill, 10/11/20 09:00 AM EDT, https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/519973-the-anglosphere-the-great-power-alliance-right-under-washingtons


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