We're Looking For A Few Good Reads


Let's Read!

Just some articles and other things you might like to read when you have a moment:

*I wrote a while back about how Al Franken might consider a run for Senate. Meanwhile, the Washington Post is doing an article about his new comedy routine, which roasts a lot of his former colleagues. Go for it, Al. They deserve a lot worse.

*The Week is reporting that China’s Xi seems to want to move his country to a system that is much more Maoist and socialist. The article quotes a China Expert as saying that Xi’s system would be a government directed economy and would be like nothing in the world. To which I have to object. Directed economies of one form or another have tried all over the world. They’ve ranged from benevolent to Fascist. In Xi’s case, I fear it will closer to Mussolini than not.

*In a recent interview on the Today show, Britain’s PM, Boris Johnson, has said that dealing with Joe Biden is “like a breath of fresh air” after Trump. I’m not a big Johnson fan, but, I gotta confess, I see where he’s coming from on this one.

*Here’s a scary one. There’s a new report in the Journal of Social and Political Psychology that suggests that countries which have recent outbreaks of infectious diseases tend to vote for more authoritarian politicians. Presumably that’s because people want to keep strangers at a distance. Ironically, though, in our current Covid pandemic, it is the authoritarians who suffer the most from the disease.

*Last for the day, according to MarketWatch, the Space Force has displayed its new uniforms. According the article, so far the new uniforms haven’t exactly drawn rave reviews. People are comparing them to something out of Battlestar Galactica. But, what the heck? Better that than Terminator. 








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