Communists Sue Putin


Say what? 

The Communist Party of Russia …remember them? Used to be big in the totalitarian business…has sued Putin and his pals for rigging the recent elections in that country. They’ve even joined with the Putin’s various other critics in launching a legal campaign to get the elections overturned.(*)

In a word, Whoa.

The elections were, obviously, completely crooked. But there is something a bit stunning about the fact that the Russian Communists would actually find the spine (and the will) to say so. And that they would join with other opposition candidates in beginning legal action against Putin is astonishing. 

It says something about the modern world in general, and modern Russia in particularly, that even the Communist Party is looking a bit like a coalition of moderates, and a bulwark against corruption.


*”Communists sue, say online voting in Moscow was rigged,” by Daria Litvinova, AP, Sep 29, 2021,


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