Tom Cotton…maybe we misjudged him

Not as awful as I thought?

Okay, I don’t like Tom Cotton, the junior senator from Arkansas and the senior representative of the 19th century. The things he says and the way he votes constantly piss the hell out of me.

But…maybe I misjudged him on some level. According to several news reports, he may have opposed Trump’s attempted coup in January.* Or, that’s what is said in David Drucker’s new book In Trump’s Shadow: The Battle for 2024 and the Future of the GOP. According to Drucker, Cotton and Mitch McConnell co-operated behind the scenes in stopping the Putsch before the Orange Putz could win it.

Well, maybe. If it this story is true (and keep in mind, we don’t know it is), then I owe the man an apology. And I’m gracious enough to give it freely. 

It may not be particularly sincere, but it will be given.

That’s just the sweetheart kind of a guy I am.



Source: “How Tom Cotton Went From ‘Send in the Troops’ to Stopping Trump,” Matt Lewis

Senior Columnist, Daily Beast, Updated Oct. 12, 2021


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