Taliban: A Disaster In Not-so-Slow Motion


Not going to work...

Interesting article over on the Christian Science Monitor’s website recently, “‘Why did we fight?’ Challenge of governing is wearing down Taliban” by Scott Peterson.* In it, Peterson looks at how the Taliban won the war in Afghanistan, but are rapidly losing the peace. Their “victory” broke the country’s economy, and they haven’t slightest idea how to fix it. Also, when they “won,” and the Americans left, they also lost the support which the US Military was unintentionally giving against the ISIS-K, a jihadist group even more bloodthirsty and unreasonable then they are themselves.

There is also the little issue of the fact that winter is coming, and that’s a real problem in a country that has a whole lot of mountains. And the Taliban’s own soldiers, finally, are growing restless as to continue to be unpaid and sometimes go hungry.

What does it all mean? Well, frankly, the Taliban seem to have fought their war in the curious belief that once they’d won it, everything would be just ducky without anything like, you know, work on their part. Somehow the whole of Afghanistan would become one big neolithic village, where everyone would be happy and submissive, and the Talibani themselves could spend the days alternatively praying and killing people with equal enthusiasm.

But here’s the thing. That isn’t happening. The stone age is over.

And right now, the Taliban is discovering the hard way that you can’t run a country on flint knives, prayers, and suicide bombers as your only exportable resources.


*Source: “‘Why did we fight?’ Challenge of governing is wearing down Taliban” by Scott Peterson, Christian Science Monitor, 21 Oct 2021, https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2021/1021/Why-did-we-fight-Challenge-of-governing-is-wearing-down-Taliban

Copyright©2021 Michael Jay Tucker


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