Pakistan’s Monster: Part 2

Here there be monsters...

I know I’ve been a bit obsessive about how Pakistan could come to regret its years of support for the Taliban. But, it is just so fascinating to watch while that country, and, more particularly, the country’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency, discovers exactly what they’ve gained with their “victory.”

In a recent development, Pakistan's Prime Minister, Imran Khan, has said in a BBC interview what his “conditions” would be for recognizing the Taliban’s new government. These include providing basic human rights to Afghan’s citizens, providing human rights and education for Afghan women, and not harboring Pakistan’s enemies on Afghan soil. 

Will he get what he wants? Maybe. Maybe not. But it is interesting, to say the least, that Mr. Khan has felt obliged to call for the Taliban to act like a government rather than a totalitarian and misogynistic sect cut from the same rough cloth as the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda.

There is a lesson here. To wit, beware of total victory, because you don’t know what monsters your former enemies may have been protecting you from…even if they did so only by accident.



Copyright©2021 Michael Jay Tucker

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Source: “Afghan girls school ban would be un-Islamic, Pakistan PM says,” BBC News, Sep 21, 2021,


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