Alabama To Use Covid Cash To Build More Prisons

Alabama's State Flower...

Like the other 49 states, Alabama got a lot of Federal money to use in the fight against Covid and its economic effects. And guess what Alabama, and its governor, Kay Ivey (R), is using the money to do. Go on. Guess.

Give up? Okay…

She’s using it to build more prisons.*

That’s right. Alabama is going to use a good $400 million to build new prisons and refurbish others. 

If you have any doubts about this woman, the people who elected her, and maybe the whole damn GOP…all you need to know is this story.

When America is gone to dust along with Rome, historians will look back at Governor Ivey, the GOP, and Alabama, and say, “Here’s a prime example of the kind of mindset that took a whole nation… the greatest in the world at its prime!…and turned it into a sh*thole despotism that couldn’t compete with a cockroach.”

And, they’ll be absolutely right.



Source: “Alabama governor defends plan to use covid relief funds to build new prisons,” by Adela Suliman, Washington Post, Sep 29, 2021,


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