Michael Flynn…Satanist? Naaaw. But let’s giggle anyway.

This is not Michael Flynn...

From the department of Cry-Me-A-River, I've recently learned that none other than Michael Flynn (remember him?) has run afoul of the QAnon movement and is accused of being a Lucifer-worshipping Satanist.

Wait. What?

No. Really.  Flynn was Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser, among other things. Following a wee bit of legal difficulty arising from his being an unregistered foreign agent for God knows who, he got a presidential pardon and set out for a new career as a Trump apologist and general crackpot. This included embracing the QAnon fantasy and cultivating QAnon militants. For a time, he was among the movement’s heroes.

But in September 2021, Flynn was a guest at a right wing church in Nebraska. While there, he led the congregation in a very strange prayer which included terms and phrases apparently copied from a weird Christian sect that flourished in the 1990s. These included references to God’s “sevenfold rays” and His legions of archangels.(1)

Now, given the flamboyance of a good deal of liturgical language, that may not be particularly odd. Lots of churches, many of them quite mainstream, talk about God’s legions of angels. As for “seven fold rays,” that is a bit more unusual, but not unknown. Even the traditional symbol of the Holy Spirit, a white dove, is frequently shown with seven flames or rays, representing the “seven gifts of the Holy Spirit…wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.” (2)

But all of that sounded pretty weird to the QAnon crews, and they are now saying that Flynn’s flipped and joined the Dark Side. He is, they are saying, a Lucifer Lover.

In a word…sheesh.

Of course Flynn is no Satanist. He may be an idiot, and he’s certainly morally challenged. But not a literal worshipper of the devil…

Still, you gotta admit…it is funny.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.



  1. “Michael Flynn to QAnon Believers: I’m Not a Satanist!” by Will Sommer, Politics Reporter, Daily Beat, Oct. 08, 2021, https://www.thedailybeast.com/michael-flynn-to-qanon-believers-im-not-a-satanist

2.  “Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit,” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_gifts_of_the_Holy_Spirit

Copyright©2021 Michael Jay Tucker

Please visit my webpage at https://www.michaeljaytucker.com/


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