Taliban Takes A Hands Off Attitude…Literally. As in chop chop.

Let's trim those toe nails real close...

Note: see story "Afghan Mosque Bombing" below.

So, just in case you had any illusions about what a bunch of murderous psychos that Taliban actually are, here’s an interesting little story from the AP. It seems that one of the Taliban’s co-founders, and one of its current leaders, Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, has said the country will soon return to harsh punishments for even minor offenses, including fun things like amputations and beheadings.

It is so good to know that the movement, which was driven out of power for 20 years, has apparently learned exactly nothing while in exile. It continues to be a collection of barbarians who are all too eager to apply fire and tongs to anyone who has the misfortune to draw their negative attention.

Ah, but there’s the rub. The Talibani need the rest of the world. They need investment and trade and secure borders.

Wonder how eager the rest of the world is going to be to engage with the Taliban when the that group has proved itself to be little more than a band of bloody-minded thugs.


Source: “Taliban official: Strict punishment, executions will return,” by Kathy Gannon, AP, Sep 23, 2021, https://apnews.com/article/religion-afghanistan-kabul-taliban-22f5107f1dbd19c8605b5b5435a9de54


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