

Click this image to see the video version.

Special Note: this originally appeared on my personal blog on August 24, 2021. I think it is still relevant.

I present it as both a text and a video. You can see the video simply by clicking on the image above, or you can just read it. Either way.

Michael Jay Tucker

 I read in the news that Americans who have received the Covid vaccine (both shots, preferably) do not have to worry about the Delta variant of the disease. Or, at least, not over much. But, those who haven’t received the aforesaid shots are in real danger. And, indeed, in those states which are vaccine-resistant, and particularly among those individuals who have declined to receive the shots at all, we are seeing a Covid surge of epic proportions. Worse, far too many of those who are getting disease are dying from it. 

The kicker? The word unsaid in all the above is “Republican,” for, of course, it is chiefly Republicans, and specifically Trump-supporting Republicans, who are avoiding the injections. Why are they doing so? Because until very recently their (Republican) leaders were telling them that the virus is a hoax, that vaccines are dangerous, and Dr. Fauci is part of a vast conspiracy against American liberty, if not actually a lizard-being from Alpha Draconis.

But there’s the rub, of course. This means that the Republican leadership has been undermining the health and well-being of the individuals who, in theory, are voting for the GOP. Which means that, in the long run, they are killing off their own supporters.

Or, to put it all another way, the Trump Insurrection may be the first revolution in history to wage biological war on itself.

There is something fascinating in that.

It is almost enough to make you believe in shape-shifting lizard people from A. Draconis. Or maybe from Mar-a-Lago. Six of one…


Until next time.

Onward and Upward.


Copyright©2021 Michael Jay Tucker

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