Hey Aaaa-Bbott!

Who's on first? Ain't you, Gov. Greg...

So I’m no fan of actors in politics (can you say “Ronald Reagan?”), and I never take opinion polls seriously (you’ll recall that Hillary Clinton was supposed to be a shoo-in). 

But, that said, I saw an interesting piece of news the other day. It involves my present state of residence, Texas, and its governor, the abysmal Greg Abbott (R), he of the no-mask mandates and the abortion ban. It seems that according to one poll by The Dallas Morning News and the University of Texas, Abbott may be getting into a spot of trouble.* His approval rating has dropped to 45%, mostly because of his mishandling of Covid (and man! He has mishandled it. We are at over 60 thousand deaths so far.) And, to make matters more interesting still, Matthew McConaughey, the actor, has hinted he might like to run for governor, and he is now leading Abbott by about nine points.

In a word, interesting.

Personally, I’d rather not see McConaughey in the governor’s mansion. I’d much rather see Beto O’Rourke, a local liberal political figure, at that particular address. 

But…should worse come to worse…

If it could help rid the state government of a few gun-toting, Trump-loving, woman-bashing, quasi-Fascist, Covid’s-A-Hoax, bleach-drinking, QAnon’ing Deplorables…

I’d vote for Donald Duck.

Just saying.


~Michael Jay Tucker

Copyright©2021 Michael Jay Tucker

Please visit my webpage here: https://www.michaeljaytucker.com/


*“McConaughey leads Abbott in Texas poll as O'Rourke inches closer,” byTim O'Donnell, Contributing Writer, The Week, September 19, 2021, Yahoo News, https://www.yahoo.com/news/mcconaughey-leads-abbott-texas-poll-143114002.html


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