No pleasure here…Covid

So sad...

I keep reading news reports about Americans who believed that Covid is a hoax, or that vaccines are evil, or that that they are better serve taking horse worming pills than a shot…and then, of course, they catch the disease and sometimes die of it. 

But I take no pleasure in the reports. After all, these people are human beings, often with children and other loved ones left behind. It is just so unutterably sad that they decided to believe a politically motivated lie rather than a scientific truth.

The question, then, is who is to blame for this? Clearly, the villains in our tale are the conservative media and political figures who have been preaching these lies all along, and whose advice has led to many, many deaths.

Thus, if there were pleasure to be taken in reports such as these, it would be in follow-up news…when, finally, those men and women who projected these deadly lies into the world are arrested, tried, and sent to prison for manslaughter, or even murder.


Copyright©2021 Michael Jay Tucker

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