Vitamins and Idiots

Deplorables, Doctors, and Vitamin D

So I saw something interesting the other day. Apparently, there are a few, very limited studies which show that vitamin D could…might…maybe…help you not get Covid, and/or reduce the severity of the disease if you do get it.(1) 

Ah, but there’s the rub. You’ll notice all the conditionals in that paragraph above. It could work. Or, maybe it doesn’t. Maybe the study was too small. Maybe something else was at play. Researchers definitely don’t want to give anybody false hope and are simply sending their findings out into the world so other scientists can do more studies to discover whether there is something really useful here.

But, I also wonder if the researchers’ shyness reflects a deeper and more fundamental problem. To wit, we’ve already got multiple false cures being touted by the Right. That’s how we got people taking hydroxychloroquine and horse dewormers, not to mention drinking bleach. 

The last thing we need right now is for the same Right-wing figures, reactionary media, and anti-vaxx militants to pick up news of this research and start promoting Vitamin D as an alternative to vaccines. Which would mean, of course, people showing up at hospitals with Vitamin D overdoses…which, btw, can be really quite dangerous.(2)

Oh, and something else which just occurred to me, one of the chief ways of getting Vitamin D is via UV light. When you’re in sunlight, your skin naturally generates D. But, I’m sure, that means we’d have people appearing in ICUs with nearly fatal cases of sunstroke, and/or hanging around tanning parlors until they have to be taken out on stretchers.

So you see the astonishing problem. In an irrational age, when people believe and do absurd things, even the most positive action can result in extremely negative outcomes. And, thus, progress becomes a thousand times more difficult, or even impossible.

And we owe much of that grim reality to the Right, to Trump, and to the Deplorable media…

Which taught that things which are safe, and harmless, and good…like vaccines…are demons in disguise. While what is truly evil and toxic, is somehow angelic.

There is something horrible in that.

~Michael Jay Tucker

Copyright©2021 Michael Jay Tucker

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1. “Further evidence that vitamin D might protect against severe COVID-19 disease and death,” Trinity College News And Events,

2.”What is vitamin D toxicity? Should I be worried about taking supplements?” Answer From Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D., Mayo Clinic,


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